An introduction to the magical world of hypnosis…
Hypno-massage is created for small issues in your daily life and is crafted for GENERAL PUBLIC. Consider hypno-massage as a general healthy BOOST. If you have a specific problem and/or if you have suffered from traumatic events in your past or you suffer from stress, anxiety or other mental health conditions, Hypno-massage will NOT be strong enough. A tailored hypno-coaching program is highly recommended in this case.
Choose 3 options from this list before booking:
Option 1 - Increase confidence and self-esteem
Option 2 - Rebuilding Trust
Option 3 - Healthy eating
Option 4 - Miscarriage: Grieving support
Option 5 - Remove financial worries
Option 6 - Stress relief
Option 7 - Exercise motivation
Option 8 - Sleep well
Option 9 - Binge eating
Option 10 - Alcohol moderation
Option 11 - Stomach size reduction (using cellular intelligence)
Option 12 - Fear of unexpected changes
Option 13 - Saying goodbye to someone (grieving support)
Option 14 - Fear of bees and wasps
Option 15 - Finding motivation to lose weight
Option 16 - Sugar craving
Option 17 - Alcohol association
Option 18 - Boredom eating
Option 19 - Anxiety relief 1 - you are not your mind
Option 20 - Release money scarcity mindset - welcome abundance
Option 21 - Develop Gratitude to improve your life
Option 22 - Releasing anxiety about not having money
Option 23- Enhancing relationships and understanding
Option 24 - Step back from your business
Option 25 - Overcoming anxiety about the future
Option 26 - Empowering self-respect for people pleaser
Option 27 - A journey to Restful Sleep (and embedded word)
Option 28 - The Courage to say NO without Guilt
Option 29 - Anxiety relief 2 - Impermanence of the scenes
Option 30 - Overthinking mind - keyword for instant calm
Option 31 - Imposter Syndrome - Release the Superhero trait
Option 32 - Remaining Calm in Stressful situations
Option 33 - Create aversion to junk food
Option 34- Learn to Accept and Love your body
Option 35 - Let go of an unwanted habit or problem
Option 36 - Release sugar craving from childhood memories
List per subject
Find faster the 3 options you want to listen to during your Hypno-massage session.

Weight Balance
Option 3 -Healthy eating
Option 7 - Exercise motivation
Option 9 - Binge eating
Option 11 - Stomach size reduction (using cellular intelligence)
Option 15 - Finding motivation to lose weight
Option 16 - Sugar craving
Option 18 - Boredom eating
Option 33- Create aversion to junk food
Option 34 - Learn to accept and love your body
Option 36 - Release sugar craving from childhood memories

Anxiety - stress
Option 6 - Stress relief
Option 19 - Anxiety relief 1- you are not your mind
Option 25 - Overcoming anxiety about the future
Option 29 - Anxiety relief 2- Impermanence
Option 30 - Overthinking mind with keyword

Option 1 - Increase confidence and self-esteem
Option 2 - Rebuilding trust
Option 21 - Develop gratitude to improve your life
Option 26 - Empowering self-respect for people pleasers
Option 28 - The courage to say NO without guilt
Option 31 - Imposter Syndrome - Release the Superhero trait
Option 32 - Remain Calm in stressful situations
Option 35 - Let go of unwanted habits or problems

Option 10 - Alcohol moderation
Option 17 - Alcohol association

Option 8 - Sleep well
Option 27 - A journey to restful sleep with keyword

Fears and phobias
Option 12 - Fear of unexpected changes
Option 14 - Fear of bees and wasps

Option 4 - Miscarriage grieving support
Option 13 - Saying goodbye to someone

Option 5 - Remove financial worries
Option 20 - Release money scarcity mindset-welcome abundance
Option 22 - Releasing anxiety about not having money

Option 23 - Enhancing relationships and understanding
Option 24 - Step back from your business
What is Hypno-Massage and How can it Help Me?Hypno-Massage uses two of my skills, massage and hypnotherapy. While you receive a gentle and light to medium pressure massage, you will listen to a pre-recorded hypnosis session I created specifically for this purpose. When a person receives a massage, the brainwaves change naturally to a calmer state (called Alpha to Theta brainwaves). They are exactly the same brainwaves a hypnotherapist uses to induce subconscious changes in a client. Therefore, having a massage is a perfect opportunity for a person to listen to some suggestions because they are already receptive to changes.
Where does it come from?This is a Unique Service I haven't seen anywhere else yet (to my knowledge). The idea came to me while I was giving a head massage. It was one of those Ah-Ha moments! It didn't take long before I jumped into my 'recording studio' and started recording sessions on different topics.
What should I expect during a Hypno-massage session?I will welcome you into my treatment room and you will select 3 different topics of 10min each you want to listen to based on your goals. Then you will be invited to lie down, under warm blankets and receive a 10-15 min head massage. During the head and face massage, I will do the induction (gentle talk) to calmly bring you to an Alpha-Theta state. After the head massage, you will turn face down and I will help you to put on the headset and the recording will start. The first 10 minutes of the recording will increase your state of relaxation. I will start the massage as soon as the recording starts which will also enhance your state of calmness. Then you have nothing to do, just enjoy the magic!
Does it work?It took you probably months or years to create a habit (like stress, fear, eating disorder), therefore it will probably take several hours for your mind to accept the new suggestions. When you create a habit, you create new receptors in your body and your body becomes 'stronger' than your brain. Here is an example: Even if you try to change your thoughts to stop eating sweet treats, your brain is able to hold the craving for a few minutes to maybe a few days, but your body has already created some receptors commanding your brain to provide something sweet. Sooner or later, your craving (ordered by your body) will take over your brain. The cycle repeats itself again and again. ​ Thus, to change a long and stubborn habit depends on your capacity to change AND to let go. How likely are you ready to let go of your old habit and replace it for a healthier one? Like any old habits you created, repetition will reinforce the new 'healthier' habit to stay and replace the old one. Please keep in mind that these recordings are suitable for a 'general public' which may only partially address the root issue of your problem. However, it may be a wonderful introduction for you to experience before coming for a hypnotherapy program.